Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Average Salary of a Freelance Internet Researcher

Income and Qualifications

A freelance Internet researcher is usually paid per hour or by project. She has to find projects and assignments by searching freelance writing and other online job sites, and then apply for those jobs -- sometimes by submitting bids. While getting the work can sometimes be as time consuming as executing it, these professionals earned average annual incomes of $36,000 as of 2013, according to the job website Major requirements include attention to detail and analytical, computer and Internet and decision-making skills. More traditional companies -- such as consumer product companies that need researchers to monitor their website activities -- may prefer someone with a bachelor's degree in business, marketing or marketing research.

Regional Considerations

Average incomes for freelance Internet researchers vary per state or district. In 2013, they earned some of the highest annual incomes of $57,000 per year in the District of Columbia, according to Salaries for these professionals were also above the national average for freelance Internet researchers in Massachusetts, New York and California -- $44,000, $42,000 and $41,000 per year, respectively. Those in Ohio, Texas and Florida earned up to 10 percent less, at $35,000, $34,000 and $33,000, respectively.

Influencing Factors

Experience probably dictates a freelance Internet researcher's income more than anything else. Those who are more experienced know the procedures for getting assignments and researching better than novices and, consequently, can submit bids and complete projects faster. This results in a higher volume of work and income. Freelance Internet researchers might also get paid more by larger companies, which can support the higher hourly or per-project rates. And while these professionals can work for companies across the United States and even overseas, they might have access to more projects in major metropolitan areas.

Career Outlook

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, or BLS, doesn't report job trend data for freelance Internet researchers, but they do for market research analysts, a closely-related career. The BLS reports that jobs for market research analysts will increase 41 percent over the next decade, which is nearly three times the growth rate of the average occupation. Companies and bloggers often rely on Internet researchers to make savvy business decisions and execute marketing strategies.

Internet Income




A young man after receiving his education has to move from door to door for a job. But jobs are never easily available. A fortunate one may get a job. In most cases the jobs are odd. Now the time has altered its own course. Now a day the young educated persons need not waste their time in searching of jobs. In fact internet freelancing outsourcing is giving them a golden opportunity of self employment like online jobs.
But freelancing outsourcing is not yet very much familiar to the mass people of our country. That’s why we are not able to enter the vast market of freelance outsourcing like India, Pakistan, Indonesia, China, Philippines, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil and many other countries. So I want to explain this topic in details.


Outsourcing is a Job which is done by another organization not by own. It may be at home or from abroad. The main reason of outsourcing is to minimize the production cost. Mostly the rich countries like America and Europe are doing this to get quality productions at low cost in due time. Mainly IT based jobs like Data Processing, Programming, Graphics Designing, Multimedia, Virtual Assistant and many more are being outsourced from various countries.


Freelancing is a job which is done by a freelancer. A freelancer is a person who is not assigned with a company or an organization for a long time. He has total freedom to choice a job as well as time schedule also. A freelancer does not abide by 9 AM – 5 PM office time schedule. Now it is more flexible due to wireless internet connection. If you have a laptop with wireless internet connection you can do any kinds of freelancing job from any where.


There are many popular web sites which create opportunities of outsourcing. These are called “Freelancer Marketplace”. There are two types of users in freelance marketplace. One called “Buyer” or “Client” who offers a job. And other called “Freelancer” or “Provider” or “Contractor” who does the job.


There are too many freelancers apply for one job which called “Bid”. Freelancers have to mention their price rate and time frame for a job in the bidding process.  “Buyer” can select any one among them.
But generally a “Buyer” selects a “Provider” on the basis of his experiences, price rate, time schedule and cover letter (job application). After this selection process “Buyer” deposits whole amount of money of said project on an account named “Escrow” (not in every marketplace) which gives a security for the providers.
After finishing a job “Provider” submits the job on the marketplace for the Buyer’s check. If everything is all right “Buyer” receives the work and marketplace authority makes a payment for “Provider” from “Escrow”. Marketplace site receives a service charge (10% – 15%) from Provider’s income and then they send money to the “Provider” in various processes. That’s the story about Freelancing Outsourcing.

Most Popular Freelance Outsourcing Marketplace sites :